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Book/CD-ROM: True Blue Friend

True Blue Friend Book/CD-ROM* Set $13.20 Wholesale
$21.95 Suggested Retail
True Blue Friend CD-ROM only (Single-user License**) $10.75 Wholesale
$17.95 Suggested Retail

* Windows & Macintosh compatible
**Licenses for Classroom and Lab Use are Available

True Blue Friend introduces children to the wonderful world of whales.
Kids will enjoy this imaginative tale of friendship between a young
humpback and an old blue whale. The engaging CD teaches facts about
these amazing animals, including the differences between whales and fish,
and why humpbacks are considered such acrobats.

Kids Get Excited About Whales!

Combining technology with literature, each book presents an illustrated fictional tale with interactive software that teaches the science behind the story. Easy-to-navigate interactive lessons offer a wealth of information and are aligned to National Science Education Standards. Optional narration makes the CD content ideal for beginning readers, ESL, and special needs students. The CD-ROM has actual photos and video clips & printable activities in reading, math, and science.

Key teaching points include: whales are mammals not fish, they are adapted to life in the water, many whales are endangered, two main groups of whales exist, whales rely on sound, as well as vision, & humpback whales have unique characteristics and behaviors.

As kids click on the different parts of a whale or a fish, they see actual photos with brief descriptions of each part. Kids go whale watching without the boat! They'll see spectacular underwater close ups and learn about some of the different kinds of whales, including the infamous killer whale shown above. Fluke identification is used to track humpback whales throughout the world. In this fun version of the classic matching game, kids challenge their visual memory and discrimination skills.


Question? Email us at jim@natures-spirit.com or
call us toll free at (888) 942-5348 (US only) or (650) 365-3651.
All materials © 2016 Jim Nahmens/Nature's Spirit Photography.